8 Ecommerce Email Marketing Strategies That Work

Best Ecommerce Email Marketing Strategies

Imagine a marketing channel that could turn curiosity into sales, strangers into loyal customers, and small spending into big profits. Too good to be true? Not with email marketing.

Like a rainbow stretching across the sky, ecommerce email marketing connects you to potential customers. And at the end lies a pot of gold—more leads, more sales, more profits.

In the world of online shopping, where every click counts and every sale is important, e-commerce email marketing can give your business the boom it deserves. Email marketing is much like having a magic stick that can help you make more sales and build loyal customers. No matter if you’re starting fresh or already have a successful online store, email marketing is a tool you must have in your digital marketing arsenal.

Benefits of Email Marketing

Coming straight to the point, email marketing for ecommerce benefits your business in more than one way. Here’s why you should use email to grow your business.

It converts – Apparently, Email drives 47% higher click-through rates for B2B compared to B2C. Customers who buy through email spend 138% more than those who don’t receive offers.

  • It engages – 73% of millennials (there are 51 million of them!) say email is their preferred communication channel.
  • It educates – It’s the third source of information for B2B audiences, behind only colleagues and thought leaders.
  • It nurtures – Tailored recommendations, captivating content, and special offers can turn one-time buyers into lifelong customers.
  • It automates – Sequence setup helps engage users across the customer lifecycle—from first-touch welcome emails to re-engagement campaigns.
  • It optimizes- Continuously testing and tweaking your emails can help uncover what resonates the most with your audience.
  • It nets results – It’s affordable, trackable, and scalable. While other marketing channels come and go, email remains a vital tool for every business.

Follow this rainbow and find your pot of gold with email marketing today. But how? Here is how to make ecommerce email marketing work wonders for your business!

8 Ecommerce Email Marketing Tips That Work

1. Create Attractive Welcome Series

Imagine walking into a charming boutique where you’re welcomed with open arms and presented with recommendations that are designed for YOU. That’s exactly how your customers should feel when they receive your welcome email. It should be about your customer.

Your very first interaction with your potential customer is going to be via email. Make it worth their while. Create a welcome email series that is not too overwhelming. Craft a beautiful piece of art that is not plummeted by a hard sale pitch. It should be informative and brimming with your brand’s unique personality!

2. Make Your Brand Familiar with Segmented Emails

Getting emails that feel personalized just for you is like running into an old friend who remembers your favorite things. But how can businesses make you feel known when you’re just another name on an email list? The answer is segmentation.

Segmentation splits an email list into groups based on interests, past purchases, demographics, and more. It transforms a sea of strangers into clusters of potential friends.

With segmentation, businesses can serve up emails as customized as mom’s home cooking. Say you’re a hardcore sneakerhead who loves Jordan brand shoes. Segmentation lets a business send shoe deals tailored just for you – not generic ads better suited to your aunt Welma.

Here are three ways segmentation turns emails from impersonal to personal:

  • Targeted product recommendations based on purchase history. If you’re a repeat customer, expect suggestions for items perfectly matched to your tastes.
  • Customized offers and discounts on your favorite brands. VIP treatment for loyal customers? Yes, please!
  • Content and messaging relevant to your demographics. From millennials to boomers, every age wants emails to speak their language.

Segmentation brings back the personal touch to an increasingly impersonal online world. It makes customers feel special, not just like another number. Isn’t it nice to be known? So, embrace segmentation and turn distant strangers into close friends!

3. Don’t Let Abandoned Carts Be Abandoned for long

You know the feeling. A customer fills their online cart but leaves before that final click to purchase. It’s like watching a friend back out of plans at the last minute – disappointing!

Did you know that the Average Cart Abandonment Rate across all industries is estimated to be 69.57%? That’s way too much! But abandoned carts need not be abandoned forever. With well-crafted emails, you can win back customers and turn those almost-sales into real money in the bank.

Follow these three tips for abandoned cart email success:

  • Make it personal. Address customers by name and remind them what items they left behind. They’ll feel seen and valued.
  • Show them, don’t tell them. Highlight each abandoned item with large, appealing product images. Photos sell better than words alone.
  • Give them an offer they can’t refuse. Sweeten the deal with an exclusive discount, gift, or limited-time promotion to incentivize action.

The goal is to stir up feelings of regret and urgency. You want customers thinking, “I’ve gotta have this!” not “I’ll do it later.”

Well-executed abandoned cart emails really work. Apparently, an effective Shopify abandoned email campaign created with persuasive messages can recover up to 15-20% of revenue left on the table.

Keep potential sales from walking out the door uncontested. These tips can help you turn heartbreaking abandoned carts into completed purchases with the power of email.

4. Make Your Subject Lines Steal Attention

Your email’s subject line is the key that unlocks inbox doors. Without a compelling subject, your message gets ignored more often than your little sibling’s texts. So, how do you craft irresistible subject lines? These three tips turn heads and grab eyeballs –

  • Hook with curiosity. Ask a fascinating question or tease an intriguing reveal to pique interest and tempt opens.
  • Reel them in with relevance. Include keywords and topics specific to your audience so they instantly recognize value.
  • Drive urgency with scarcity. Limited time offers or dwindling inventory create an urgency to read more.

Getting your subject line right means more eyes on your full message and more customers acting. A creative, targeted subject line is the first and most important step toward email success. Lure in your audience with subject line bait they simply can’t ignore. Once that inbox opens, you’ve already won half the battle.

5. Let Automation Make Your Life Easier

As an ecommerce owner, you have enough to worry about without tedious, time-consuming email tasks bogging you down. Marketing messages, follow-ups, reminders – who has the time? So, let automation come to rescue your email workflow.

Email automation is like having a personal digital assistant for your inbox. It takes care of repetitive tasks so you can focus on growing your business. It takes care of:

  • Welcome emails to greet new subscribers with a friendly hello.
  • Post-purchase Thank Yous’ and surveys to delight existing customers.
  • Abandoned cart reminders to recover sales from the brink.
  • Re-engagement campaigns to win back fans who’ve been away.

All you do is set up the automation once. Magic! No more wasting hours on repetitive messaging. Statistics show automated workflows deliver a 3x higher ROI than generic bulk emails. They turn email from a chore into a revenue-driving machine.

Save time managing basic emails. Let automation handle the struggle so you can focus on important tasks. Declutter your workload and win back time with automated email magic!

6. Let Others Talk About You

Peer pressure isn’t just for high school anymore. Grown-up buyers also look to others before deciding what to purchase. That’s why every email marketer needs to tap into social proof – it’s marketing magic!

Social proof builds trust and credibility by showcasing your customers themselves. Terrified to click “buy”? Seeing others’ smiles soothes those fears.

Here are a few ways to sprinkle social proof

  • Glowing testimonials from satisfied customers
  • Raving 4 or 5-star reviews and ratings
  • User-generated content like photos or videos
  • Case studies proving your product works wonders

Social proof says, “This product made others happy – you’re sure to love it too!” It’s like a risk-free seal of approval. According to statistics, including social proof can increase conversion rates by up to 34%. That’s some serious email sorcery!

So, harness the influence of social proof in your next email campaign. Let the power of community and shared experience compel your audience to click “add to cart.” Just don’t be surprised when sales skyrocket – magic often defies explanation.

7. Go Beyond Just Sales

If you ever wondered what makes a boring, hard sales pitch email into a creative and interactive one, let me tell you the answer. The secret is fresh content that keeps readers entranced from start to finish. Sure, promotions and product pitches have their place. But compelling content is what truly casts a spell on your audience. Here are three types of content that steal the show –

  • How-to guides that educate and empower your readers. Teach them new skills related to your products.
  • Behind-the-scenes looks that provide insider access to your brand. Let readers feel like VIPs.
  • Success stories showing how you changed lives for the better. Inspire through relatable stories.

Emails with captivating content convert up to 50% higher than basic product blasts. Take time to create content that charms and delights. Give your subscribers value beyond the sales pitch. Offer how-to potion recipes, mystical myth origin tales, or heroic customer journeys.

With content that adds value, your emails transform from transactional to transformational. Readers become loyal fans, eager for each new delivery. Now, that’s an email list worth cultivating!

8. Design Campaigns for Mobile

Have you ever wondered how companies decide what emails to send you? Well, they use a process called A/B testing or split testing. It is a marketer’s playground where creative ideas battle for your inbox’s attention. It can be as simple as testing distinctive subject lines or more complicated things like the overall design and layout of the email. Companies can figure out what their customers like best and create better emails they’ll want to open and read.

Email service providers facilitate easy A/B testing with built-in tools. Even minor changes from testing can make a big difference, so marketers should start simple and build up to more advanced tests over time. Ongoing A/B testing enables data-driven refinement of email marketing strategies for maximum effectiveness.

With a simple email makeover, open rates can increase up to 127%. But shockingly, 4 in 10 brands don’t bother renovating their tired email designs. They are missing out on more opens, clicks, and sales without some split testing.

So be bold, break up with boring emails, and start fresh by charming your audience. With a more attractive coat of pixels here or a new call-to-action there, you’ll uncover the email your audience loves most. A/B testing turns your inbox into an innovation station, where every send is a chance to perfect your marketing masterpiece. Dare to delight and watch the clicks pour in!

Simply put, e-commerce email marketing is not just about sending emails to customers. It’s about creating emails that are empathic, interesting, and convincing. Email campaigns help in building strong relationships with your customers over time.

If used efficaciously, you can make the most of this marketing tool to increase sales and keep your customers coming back in today’s highly competitive online world. So, don’t hesitate to put your writing skills and creativity to work to create fantastic e-commerce email campaigns that will take your business to new heights!

Got questions? Reach out to us today and find out how we can catapult your business’s success.

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